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Run all the sails up the mast
Way-hay, blow us away
But we are bound for nowhere fast
Give me some wind to blow us away
No wind! we wallow in the swell
Way-hay, blow us away
The sails clatter as we roll
Give me some wind to blow us away
Horizon’s clear from end to end
Way-hay, blow us away
No hope of whistling up a wind
Give me some wind to blow us away
Adrift the middle of the sea
Way-hay, blow us away
And there is nothing here for me
Give me some wind to blow us away
Just feel the breathless sun beat down
Way-hay, blow us away
And seek out any shade we can
Give me some wind to blow us away
Now sluice the decks to cool the wood
Way-hay, blow us away
And pour a bucket on my head
Give me some wind to blow us away
Perhaps tomorrow there’ll be wind
Way-hay, blow us away
And we can some direction find
Give me some wind to blow us away