Stephen Robertson

Slanting Lines


2 forward: inspiration

Alpha, beta, gamma, delta.

The way is clear.  This formulation

both lays the problem out and then reveals

the parts of a solution.

All we need to do is make connection

alpha to beta using this equation,

then follow that suggestion

to make the beta, gamma, delta link.

1 back: frustration

Damn—I had forgotten

that this equation also needs some zeta factor

and my clear beta, gamma, delta connection

is screwed up by a zeta factor

in ways that I can neither

control nor understand.

3 sideways: perspiration

Yet here’s a thought.  Just maybe I can

circle round the tentacles of zeta

by striking gamma from consideration

and making an approximate relation

by tying beta up with mu and lambda.

I can’t see clearly:  I’ll need to wander

some way in that direction to determine

whether some real delta integration

is possible at all.  I have to try.